Can I Buy A 3D Printed House In The US?

Have you heard about the relatively new process of 3d printing homes? Thinking that it might be an option for you?

Can I buy a 3D printed house in the US?

Yes, but only a certain number of people in the US can do so. First, if you want a 3d printed house in the US, you will need to check with your local government before you choose this method of building your home. It’s very likely that your city or county will have rules and regulations against 3d printed houses.

Second, you must read the fine print of any company that wants to sell you a 3d printed house in the US. Your 3d printed house is not actually coming in one piece, ready to move into.

Most likely, after your house is printed, large portions of it will need to be assembled by human workers. This is common.


What Is A 3D Printed House?

A 3d printed house is a house that is built with a 3d printer, also called a “powder bed fusion” printer. These printers use designs created on computers and lay down layers of cement, dust, metals, resins, ceramics, or plastics in order to create an object.

3D printing for humans originated in the 1990s when it was used for making prototypes of small objects. The process involves creating computer-aided drawing files that show cross-sections of each layer.

Are 3D Printed Homes Cheaper?

3D printing a house is a more expensive endeavor than building a home out of standard materials such as wood and concrete.

3D printers can be expensive. The 3d printers used for printing houses range from around $80,000 to over $1 million.

In addition to being more expensive, printing a house is not exactly an innovative process. In the past, products have been printed from plastic and metal powders that were then melted and molded into pieces of a house. Right now, however, 3d printers are able to print over a hundred materials at a time which makes the process much quicker and more efficient.

Where Can I Buy A 3D Printed House?

The United States is not the only country where you can buy a 3d printed home. Here are some countries that also allow you to buy a 3d printed house:

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico.

There are no 3d printed houses in the United Kingdom. The government banned the sale of printed homes in 2012.

However, the market size for 3d printed homes in the UK is expected to surge during the next few years. Many people who have heard about the new method of building homes, and who have seen what a 3d printed house can look like, feel that this is a great way to live.

The UK government has also been impressed by homeowners who have invited them into their 3d printed houses for inspections. The government sees that these houses are solidly built and attractive.

How To Get A 3D Printed House

Also, check out our companion article on how 3d printed houses are made.

Step 1: Plan Your Dream Home

List the size of your dream home on paper. List all rooms, the shape of the foundation, and any amenities you would like to include. Think about what style of home you want to have to live in. Some people prefer modern homes, some people prefer traditional homes.

List everything that’s important to you about your dream home. Include measurements, paint colors, and amenities required for your family to live comfortably.

Step 2: Find Out About 3D Printing

Let’s start with the basics. What is the process used to build a house? What are the advantages of 3d printing? What are the disadvantages?

It’s important to know about the technology, and how it works. This will help you to decide if this technology is right for your family.

Step 3: Find Out About 3D Printed Homes

So what are the advantages of using 3d printing to build homes? Can you really get a home that resembles your fancy vision of your dream house? Can you find a company that can build your home for you?

Look for reviews of companies that offer 3d printed houses. Ask people who have bought one, or who have used it. This will help you to decide which companies are the best.

How much does it cost? If you’re going to build a house from scratch, there are costs that have to be taken into account. You have to know what those costs are.

Is 3d printing right for you? Decide if the advantages weighed against the disadvantages outweigh the costs. It’s a smart decision, and committing to a 3d printed house is a decision that can change your life.

Step 4: Find A Company That Offers 3D Printed Homes

There are companies that offer 3d printed houses. They have technology that can use a laser to build your house from the ground up. This is the technology that has been used to build houses for several years now, and it’s getting better and better. The walls of a 3d printed house are built with heated concrete.

Step 5: Buy Your 3D Printed Home

Once you decide on the company that will build your house, buy one. Make sure that everything is spelled out in the contract. You don’t want to be surprised with extra fees later on.

Decide if you need help with the design of your new home, or if you want to do it on your own. There are many resources online that will help you to get started with 3d printing of your house.

Step 6: Get Your Home 3D Printed

Once you’ve made the decision to buy a 3d printed house, and you’ve signed all the paperwork, it’s time to get your house built. If your home is going to be 3d printed, there will probably be a month or two delay until your house is completed.

You might want to hire helpers while you wait. Anything to keep you busy while the 3d printed home is being created.

Step 7: Move-In

Once your house is complete, you can move in. This will be an exciting time for your family. You’ve waited a long time for this day, and it’s finally here. Homeowners love showing off their 3d printed homes to their family and friends. It’s a unique experience, something that only you have seen before, something that only you have experienced before.


Think about the experience as a gift that you were given just by having this particular moment in your life. You’ll never be able to truly enjoy your 3d printed home as much as you’re going to now. It’s a special time, and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into another world.