Can You 3D Print Cosplay Armor?

Yes, but you may have issues with the quality.

3D printing is a great way to create unique props for cosplay, but it doesn’t tend to have much utility in terms of molding or sculpting high-quality armor. This is because the result of 3D printing has both mechanical and aesthetic properties. With proper settings, you can print solid and strong pieces of armor. Also has the look of something that was mass-produced by industrial machinery. It also doesn’t translate well into armor mods – you’ll need to digitally alter your prop or model with textures on top of the print if you want it to look like genuine plate armor.

First – get the right 3d printer for cosplay.

Take a look at this excellent video to help give you some ideas on printing your own armor if you so choose to:

How Do You Make Cosplay Armor With A 3D Printer?

Here are some helpful hints to help you get the most out of your 3D printable armor:

Use a lot of support material. You aren’t going to be able to print the same piece of armor more than once, so make sure that it’s well supported. The more lines you have on your print, the easier it will be for you to remove supports and create a smooth finish.

Print your armor pieces flat. You can 3D print on a level surface, or you can use supports to help prop up vertical sections. This will help you get a clean look with a minimum of fuss.

Apply primer before painting. Your print may not have that worn and weathered look that you’re going for – make it happen with the right primer and some paints or inks that match your armor’s style.

3D print it in sections. You’ll find that you can print well if you break the shape of your armor as it prints. In parts where there is a lot of detail and area to fill, like the breastplate of a full suit of plate armor, you might consider printing the whole thing at once. When you need a section that’s smaller or has less detail, split it up and print each piece separately. The best part about this approach is that it allows for easier assembly. It may take a little more work to make sure everything lines up, but it’s worth it.

Make sure you print it from appropriate material. If you want to use your armor for cosplay or just as a decoration, plastic or resin are both good choices. If you plan on wearing your armor, though, consider the safety of both your design and the body underneath. There is no point in having an awesome suit of armor if you’re going to injure yourself in the process of wearing it.