Are 3D Printed Cookie Cutters Safe?

Just a few years ago, the idea of 3d printed cookie cutters would have seemed absurd—but now, it’s a reality! There are tons of companies all over the world that sell their own version of 3d printed cookie cutters, and they come in every shape imaginable.

Are 3D Printed Cookie Cutters Safe?

The answer is yes and no. First off: yes, it’s generally safe to eat food that has been cut with a 3d-printed cutter. But there are some safety considerations you need to take into account before using them for everyday use or for children, so check out our post for more information on what those considerations are.

What types of 3D printed cookie cutters are there?

You can get two different types of 3d-printed cookie cutters: a cookie cutter that cuts out a basic strip of dough, or you can get one of the more advanced models that cuts out an entire cookie shape. There are also more advanced versions with adjustable blades, as well as those that create full-size baked goods cookies.

How do they work?

Most 3d-printed cookie cutters come with a cutter that slices through the cookie dough. The other sides are usually left with a hole, which can be used to hang the cookies on a wall. You can also get add-on templates for these types of 3d-printing cookie cutters, so it’s not just limited to one shape of cookie that a cutter can handle, which makes them great for everyday use as well as special occasions like birthday parties or holidays. There are also some advanced models of 3d-printed cookie cutters that can actually create a full-size baked good out of dough—there are even models that can bake the cookie right on the plate that you’ll be eating it on!

What materials are 3d printed cookie cutters made out of?

Most 3d-printed cookie cutters are made out of one material, but some companies make their cutters out of several different materials so they look more professional. The most common material used to make 3d-printed cookie cutters is ABS plastic.

How long do they last?

The life of an average 3d-printed cookie cutter can vary greatly. There are those that will last several years, and there are those that will last less than a day. The average lifespan of a 3d-printed cookie cutter is around 7-9 months.

Are they easy to use?

Yes! You should be able to use most 3d-printed cookie cutters with little to no effort—the only thing you need to know is how thick you want your dough to be, and whether or not you want your cookies cut out leaving holes on the bottom of them.

Final Words

People should use 3d printer cutters with care especially if the cutter is not made of a non-toxic material as this can harm the health of individuals who consume food that was cut using it.