How 3D Printing Will Advance

how 3d printing will advance

Each day, the tech world becomes more and more advanced. 3D printers are a perfect example of this: in just a matter of decades, they’ve gone from large, specialized machines to relatively common-place items that anyone with an extra $500 can buy. They’re still relatively new in comparison to other modern technologies like smartphones and … Read more

Are 3D Printing Pieces Strong?

are 3d printing pieces strong

3D printing is a new technology that allows us to digitally design and fabricate anything with a 3D printer. But this wonder of the modern world doesn’t come without its downsides. Material strength is the biggest problem 3D printers face. Are 3D Printing Pieces Strong? 3D printers are limited by their current material selection. For … Read more

Are 3D Printed Cookie Cutters Safe?

are 3d printed cookie cutters safe

Just a few years ago, the idea of 3d printed cookie cutters would have seemed absurd—but now, it’s a reality! There are tons of companies all over the world that sell their own version of 3d printed cookie cutters, and they come in every shape imaginable. Are 3D Printed Cookie Cutters Safe? The answer is … Read more

Are 3D Printers A Good Investment?

are 3d printers a good investment

Throughout our lives we’ve grown accustomed to the idea that, in order to purchase something, we would go down to the store and hand over some money. However, as of recently this is beginning to change. 3D printing has changed how people live all over the world by allowing people with access to a 3D … Read more

Are 3D Printers Hard To Use?

Although 3D printers are quite popular now, they may still be difficult to operate and use especially for people who are not that tech-savvy. Contents Are 3D Printers Hard To Use? No. 3D printers are a breeze if you follow these high level steps. Sure, you can make it a lot more complicated but if … Read more

Can 3D Printers Make Clothes?

can 3d printers make clothes

Ever since 3D printers became commercially available, people have been wondering if they could be used to make clothes. 3D printers use a digital design to create objects by layering thin slices of material. In the past, 3D printers were not able to make very complex shapes, and there are still limits on what they … Read more

Can 3D Printers Make Guns?

can 3d printers make guns

The availability of weapons in today’s society is a very real problem. 3D printers have the capability to print guns, and that capability opens up a lot of possibilities for people who wish to recreate the high-powered firearms that are found on battlefields around the world. Contents Can 3D Printers Make Guns? Yes. 3D printers … Read more

Can 3D Printers Print Clear Plastic?

can 3d printers print clear plastic

Recently, new 3D printers have popped up in many places, but their abilities vary. Some only deal with printing clear plastic. Can 3D Printers Print Clear Plastic? Yes. 3D printers can print clear plastic, but it takes a special kind of printer that uses lasers to harden the liquid resin into the desired shape. Most … Read more

Can 3D Printers Print Rubber?

can 3d printers print rubber

3D printers are a relatively new invention that has been around for less than two decades. 3D printers have the ability to construct items by assembling them layer by layer from the bottom of their base material. In order for 3D printers to work, they require different types of material from which to print. The … Read more

Can 3D Printers Print Silicone?

can 3d printers print silicone

Given that degrees of freedom are limited in a 3D printer, materials can only be printed in flat surfaces and cannot be created in any form which is more than one layer thick without printing supports. Silicone, being somewhat similar to rubber, would not have this limitation. It can be extruded to a much greater … Read more